SSTM® Injury Prevention Philosophy
At Body Leadership we’re here to show you how to live and breathe Injury Prevention in your organisation so you can start building value in the culture that supports your people while also achieving KPI’s. We’re here to show you how it works.
What is SSTM® Injury Prevention?

Our SSTM philosophy came about by accident in that we were treating a hearing impaired gentleman with back pain. We were writing notes back and forth and he was asking for ways to help himself long term, so we wrote down the four words on his notepad, SSTM: Squeeze, Stretch, Trigger, Move. We knew if he understood four ‘rules of muscles’ (there are only four), we could use them to teach a toolkit of skills to target tension and prevent injury for life.
We quickly realised our elite athletes needed SSTM too, so we started using it in their programs to nip stuff in the bud no matter where they are in the world. Then we realised EVERYONE needs to know how to tackle niggles and tightness, what nobody gets taught at school. Because medals are important but staying fit and injury free for life, travelling, playing with grandkids at the end of the day, that’s the important stuff. So SSTM is integral in our clinic headquarters and now we share it with workplaces Australia wide.
SSTM® forms a framework of skills for empowering your people at all ages and stages, to nip problems in the bud and stay injury free for life.
SSTM® programs get measurable results decreasing LTI’s by up to 87.5% as well as achieving 98.2% stay at work rates (2016/17).
Remember “Injury Prevention is a Way of Life”. It can be yours too.
Thanks for letting us help you. If you need further information regarding any of Body Leadership’s SSTM® Onsite Programs contact us at or submit a form on our Contact Us page.